How to lower your bond repayments

Home Loan Tips

Your monthly Home Loan repayments are set to increase, that’s according to economists who predict that the reserve bank will raise interest rates in a few weeks.

Switch Home Loans and SaveBut although this might slow the property market slightly, there is no need to worry if you’ve had your home loan for at least 6 months.

One of the best ways to beat the interest rate increase is to lower your current bond repayments by switching your home loan to a competing Bank.

Following the recent influx of home loan providers in SA, banks have started to actively compete among each other for an increased share in the mortgage and loans market.
This increased competition has filtered down in the consumer and it is now very easy to find a bank who is willing to switch your current home loan and reduce your mortgage rate.

The impact of a single percentage drop in your home loan will result in a lower monthly repayment and huge saving over the term of your home loan.

Consider Switching your existing home loan today if you’re interested in beating in the predicted interest rate hike.

Complete this Short Form now and a home loan consultant will contact you immediately to offer you free advice, information or to assist with the home loan switching process.

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