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A good understanding for the NCA is helping our clients secure their bond approvals

While most of the Banks and other originators are experiencing a dramatic increase in Declined Bond applications since the implementation of the New Credit Act, is actually experiencing an increase in Bond Approvals.

We attribute this increase in bond approvals to the fact that our clients are dealing with Mortgage Consultants who have a good understanding of what the Banks need in order to approve your full home loan amount.

Your bond application is closely reviewed by your consultant before being submitted and often we’ll attach a strong motivation to it.
Once the bank has received the completed application your consultant will be in constant contact with them to ensure you’re getting the best interest rate on the full loan amount.

The first step to securing a mortgage with a low interest rate is to be totally honest in your financial disclosure to the bank. It’s very easy for the banks to pick up that you’re over inflating your income or understating your monthly expenses, and this only causes the lender to become suspicious of your application.

If you need some assistance in securing a new loan or applying for a further bond, complete this short form and one of our consultants will contact you with more information.

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