Home loans and much more

Propertyloans.co.za is not only an excellent recourse for first time home buyers, but it also offers loads of helpful guides to optimizing your existing home loan.

Many home owners fail to realize the enormous potential their mortgage account hold. Switching, Re-advances, Debt Consolidation and further bonds are some of the options available to you as a bond holder.

Credit Card Debt and Personal Loans are a major cause uncontrollable debt. Banks are charging you at least prime +5% on your outstanding credit balances, and keeping up with your credit card or personal loan payment can be like fighting a loosing battle.

In situations like these, where debt is draining most of your salary, you can look to your mortgage to rescue your situation.

Debt Consolidation: The process is really simple

  1. Credit Card and Personal Loans are high interest debts
  2. Home Loans are low interest debts
  3. Use the value available in your home loan to pay of you high interest debts and lower your monthly costs.

Switching: Lower your bond interest rate
The SA home loans market is highly competitive at the moment and bond owners now have the opportunity of bettering their home loan interest rates by switching their bonds to another bank.

Complete this short form and a consultant will contact you with more info.
Also, read more about switching here:

Re-advances: Use the value in your property to finance other purchases

Re-advances allow bond holders the opportunity to finance other purchase, home renovations or even holiday tours.

The introduction of Access Bonds like those offered by FNB allow you faster access to those available funds, and they consolidate your debts into one low interest account.

Find out more about Access Bonds, speak to a Home Loan Consultant. This is a Free Service.

1 comment on “Home loans and much more”

  1. I am intending to buy property to the value of R880 000.00. I would like to find out all the cost involve including legal fees ( estimation of how much extra do i need to have). Between the sell and the buyer who is responsible to pay evaluation fees and initiation fees.


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